
Here are wallpapers for your petz program or computer desktop. They may or may not be petz related. Click on the size that you want to download.

alley-1024.gif (132036 byte)
Alley catz
Ok, so it may not look as much, but in full size, it looks quite cool :)
800 x 600 / 1024 x 768

bunny.jpg (136256 byte)
Bunny 1
One of my rabbit's babies =)
800 x 600 / 1024 x 768

bunny3.jpg (146335 byte)
Bunny 2
One of my rabbit's babies =)
800 x 600 / 1024 x 768

bunny5.jpg (167409 byte)
Bunny 3
One of my rabbit's babies =)
800 x 600 / 1024 x 768
