
There are many nifty programs, files etc out there, here are a few that I recommend:

Petz Patches for Petz 5
Fixed egyptain mau (colour inherit fixed)
Fixed german shepherd (ears, legs fixed)
Fixed golden retriever, jack russell terrier and pug (tongue and/or colours fixed)
How to fix mute petz

Petz Directories, etc
GoPetz Search (search engine)
The Petz Directory
The Petz Kennel Club (register and show your petz etc)
The Petz Specialists (links to specialized sites)

Other Petz goodies
Advice for newbies
Dogz/Catz Hexer and Littermaker (great hexing tools for the beginner!)
Petz Board (great forum, you can often get lots of help here)

Petz Debugger (allows you to change your petz' age, weight, sickness and a lot more. A must-have!)
S.E.S.P (Stop Edited Show Pics)
The Petz Awards

Art, graphics etc
Paintshop pro (shareware version)
Reptile (great for making backgrounds, and free! Search for "Reptile")

Webspace (no ads, temporarily down)
Brinkster (no ads, fairly new)
Tripod (ads, but supports FrontPage)

Popup manager (free pop-up ad killer!)
The Free Site (A must see!)
